Picking an Apartment Community near a Great School District

  |     |   Apartment Living, Explore the City

As we enter back-to-school season and most schools are in-person again, it's time to start our diligent research on great schools in our districts and neighborhoods. Luckily, when you live in a Weidner Apartment Home community, you don't need to choose between a great school or a fantastic home because you'll have both. 
Picking an Apartment Community near a Great School District

Researching Schools

Start researching online as soon as possible. Most public schools are obligated to share their annual performance report online. Fortunately, this is also easily accessible by simply researching the school's name and adding "annual reports."

Once the choices are narrowed down to a handful of schools, start scheduling an in-person tour, and make sure to bring the family with you. By having your children tag along, they can become familiar and help you gauge which school would be the best fit for them. During these tours, everyone in the family will get a first-hand feel for the facilities, class sizes, and other vital elements that can factor in your child's learning experience. Before heading to your scheduled tour, a helpful tip is to prepare a list of questions to ask the staff and school professionals. Some fantastic questions are:

  1. What does a good first day back to school look like?
  2. How can we better ease the transition for our children to come back to school? 
  3. Do you see a difference in your student's behavior and performance between your morning and afternoon classes? 

Ensuring a great school district also calls for research of the neighborhoods. Before making the big leap with a school district, make sure the neighborhood you choose to reside in is also up to your family's standards. Luckily, Weidner Apartment Homes has got you covered in this arena. After narrowing down your school districts, head over to our website to find a list of apartment homes in your desired city. 

Districts Vs. Neighborhoods

Still can't seem to find a district in your community or vice versa? Try finding a happy medium between both school districts and neighborhoods. Love the neighborhood but don't favor the school in your area? Look into the private sector. And if that still isn't enough, try searching the reverse: school districts first, then neighborhoods second. Spending a day playing tourist in these cities and neighborhoods can also be a game-changer. 

When it comes down to just a few neighborhoods and school districts, the determining factor is where your family will be the most comfortable and happy. Children learn many of their values at home and creating a household environment that values education can help your child succeed even after school hours. 


With time and diligent research, you will easily make a conscientious decision on the perfect fit for your family. So don't choose between a great school or a fantastic home, have both!

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